You know how indian kids wait for holi and how western kids wait for christmas? Thats how Im waiting for this. AND ITS TOMORROW!!!

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What time would this be live? I guess it will be something like 3 am in my timezone.

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That's a good question - we probably should pick a consistent time to post the podcast... I'm not sure but we'll think about that!

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Are there any plans on having a channel within Molly Rocket server or a dedicated discord server for discussions? It’s much easier to talk there than here

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The current problem we have is that Substack has no API, and no discord integration. So there isn't really a way (currently) to ensure that subscribers to the Substack would have access to a particular discord. I would assume that this is the sort of thing that Substack is working on (they have consistently been adding features, like podcasting and now video), but I haven't seen any news about when/how real-time discussions might come to the platform.

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How do you feel about real-time discussion software in general? I feel things like slack/discord are more stress inducing than helpful. Real-time discussions are like debates, and for debates IRL people have to prepare in advance. In my experience slack becomes like I'm in a debate with zero preparation if the discussion gets into anything that is actually going to expand my own knowledge. Its only okay if I am just telling people what I already know. I feel like an introvert in a party of extroverts when I'm on slack and I wish I could go hide somewhere. Isn't there anything that can be better than push notification based apps for discussions? Pull based things like emails create the fear among business people that their messages are being missed by engineering.

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I think real-time discussions have their uses, I just think it creates an administration nightmare if it isn't well-integrated with whatever it's for. In this case Substack doesn't really provide anything, so I'm hesitant. But my hope is in the future that they'll add something for this, because I see no harm in adding it for people who want it... people who don't can always just ignore that part!

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Apr 29, 2022Liked by Casey Muratori, Anna Rettberg

Looking forward to!

Incidentally, May the 6th will be my Birthday :)

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