Not central to the movie review, but I felt I needed to chime in about the comment about Luddites.

The Luddites were not against the introduction of new technology, they were against how the technology was used. Instead of the machines being used to better their position in life, it was used by factory owners to displace them (often in illegal ways) and drive down their wages. In short, it was a complain that the benefits of the automation were very unequally distributed, and never in favor of those least able to adapt.

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First time I watch Metropolis too! Unbelievable set design and shot composition, mind-blowing for the era.

If you're interested, there's Napoleon by Abel Gance that was ahead of its time too and Jean Cocteau in France who was experimenting with surrealism in the 30s. I haven't seen a lot of movies from that era but I know there are some other experimental films.

You talked a little bit about David Lynch, he definitely takes some inspiration from the visual language of the best silent era cinema, that helps for creating expressive visuals. He made a commercial that is a remake of a scene from Sunrise by Murnau.



Some of what he does is hit or miss for me, but he is really good with visuals and in my opinion even better with sound, which is kind of amazing. He did a short with the original camera of the Lumière brothers, if you haven't seen it I recommend! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRWmep4pSzg

Coppola is good too with this kind of shot design inspired by silent films, as an example I really like what he did with Dracula. It may be over the top, but I like the playfulness.

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