For the confusion between scenes, it happened often enough that I assumed it was an intentional editing choice. I thought they wanted to drop from place to place without giving all the details. You are just glimpsing into the life of minor characters and then move on. It's not a usual way of doing things but I thought it was interesting. On the editing side, I guess what I mean is that it allows for interesting cuts between scenes, but you loose clarity for sure.

For the cinematography, the shot I liked the most is during the first wave of attack when you see the sunset. I like the idea of contrast between war and beautiful settings. There's Terrance Malick who pushed the same idea further in The Thin Red Line. I really liked the Australian landscapes as well. In general I like the way the movie is shot, it's definitely not as good as Lawrence of Arabia or Paths of Glory, but there are really nice moments.

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I would really like to see The Thin Red Line - I guess it didn't make the cut for this particular series because it is WWII instead of WWI, but I hope we can work it into the schedule at some point, since I'm curious!

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I haven't watched it in a long time but from what I remember it's a meandering film with with weird stream of consciousness. But it's one of the first movie I watched when I was younger that made me realize the connection between form and content, since the way it's shot reflects the theme of nature being larger than war, or something like that. I don't know if the movie still holds up as a whole today though...

It has been a great month, all movies were interesting. The settings were very similar (the trenches, the desert, etc.) so it was easier to see what stood out in each of them and notice the director's point of view. I'm more used to watch a bunch of movies from the same director so it's a nice change of pace and it worked very well with WW1 movies.

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I've never heard of Gallipoli before, I liked the cinematography and the editing. I also thought the use of electronic music was interesting, I like that kind of anachronism. On the other hand, I'm not a fan of Albinoni in general and I think it's too much here. Also, Weir used a Waltz like Kubrick but it's like he didn't get the irony, or at least didn't want to emphasize it the way Kubrick did.

It's interesting that we watched Paths and Glory and Gallipoli back to back, there are similarities plotwise but at the same time the angle is completely different. To me, Kubrick puts more emphasis on social structures than characters, and the overall point of view is more detached.

Looking forward to listening to the podcast!

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