Molly Movie Club
Molly Movie Club
Ep. 71 Children of Men

Ep. 71 Children of Men


Today’s movie is Children of Men directed by Alfonso Cuarón.

Children of Men is probably the most chilling of all the Bleak Future movies this month because it feels the closest to our reality. Incredible production design and an immersive filmmaking style make this world feel frighteningly believable. Cuarón uses long oners and a hand-held camera to make the viewer feel as though they are physically in the world of the film. (Casey recommends not watching Children of Men on a big screen if you get motion sickness…)

We’ll be back next week for the final movie in Bleak Future month, and it is a Casey and Anna pick! We’ve chosen Escape from New York directed by John Carpenter.

We hope to see you then!

Molly Movie Club
Molly Movie Club
Molly Movie Club is a weekly podcast featuring in-depth discussions of movies.
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Appears in episode
Anna Rettberg
Casey Muratori