Molly Movie Club
Molly Movie Club
Ep.14 Dune

Ep.14 Dune


Hello everyone, and welcome to a new month! This week we watched Dune directed by Denis Villeneuve.

This is probably going to be one of the more contentious weeks of Molly Movie Club, because Casey and Anna both dislike this movie. We know this is probably not the mainstream opinion, but hopefully in this podcast we do a good enough job of explaining why we feel that way. In fact, Casey goes into so much excruciating detail about why he dislikes this movie that we ended up making an “extended cut” subscribers-only version of this episode.

We will see you back here again next week for Everything Everywhere All At Once. Until then, we are very curious to hear your thoughts on Dune!

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Molly Movie Club
Molly Movie Club
Molly Movie Club is a weekly podcast featuring in-depth discussions of movies.
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Appears in episode
Anna Rettberg
Casey Muratori